Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) – Dawson Creek

Up-Beat First Aid Dawson Creek NEW 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

This is a 2-weeks course September 18-29 (Monday - Friday) Pre-requisite for this course is a valid Standard First Aid & CPR C ticket. Please call 250-795-2776 or email [email protected] to register  

Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) – Dawson Creek

Up-Beat First Aid Dawson Creek NEW 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

This is a 2-weeks course January 29-February 9 (Monday - Friday) Pre-requisite for this course is a valid Standard First Aid & CPR C ticket. Please call 250-795-2776 or email [email protected] to register  

Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) – Dawson Creek

Up-Beat First Aid Dawson Creek NEW 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

This is a 2-weeks course January 29-February 9 (Monday - Friday) Pre-requisite for this course is a valid Standard First Aid & CPR C ticket. Please call 250-795-2776 or email [email protected] to register  

Emergency Medical Responder

Up-Beat First Aid Dawson Creek NEW 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

Cost of the course is $1975 + $250 for the manuals. This is a Monday-Friday class April 15-May 3 from 9:15am-4:30pm  


Emergency Medical Responder Licensing Update

  Duration: 4-hour online component 16-hour skill endorsement The Red Cross scope expansion covers administration of new drugs under EMA licensing board. This is a 16 hours face to face heavily based on new protocols and skills assessment. Covers: Administration of Intra-Muscular Epinephrin protocol Administration of Nebulize Salbutamol protocol Administration of Glucagon protocol Wound packing... Read more »


Emergency Medical Responder Licensing Update

  Duration: 4-hour online component 16-hour skill endorsement The Red Cross scope expansion covers administration of new drugs under EMA licensing board. This is a 16 hours face to face heavily based on new protocols and skills assessment. Covers: Administration of Intra-Muscular Epinephrin protocol Administration of Nebulize Salbutamol protocol Administration of Glucagon protocol Wound packing... Read more »

Emergency Medical Responder Licensing Update

  Duration: 4-hour online component 16-hour skill endorsement The Red Cross scope expansion covers administration of new drugs under EMA licensing board. This is a 16 hours face to face heavily based on new protocols and skills assessment. Covers: Administration of Intra-Muscular Epinephrin protocol Administration of Nebulize Salbutamol protocol Administration of Glucagon protocol Wound packing... Read more »


Emergency Medical Responder Licensing Update

  Duration: 4-hour online component 16-hour skill endorsement The Red Cross scope expansion covers administration of new drugs under EMA licensing board. This is a 16 hours face to face heavily based on new protocols and skills assessment. Covers: Administration of Intra-Muscular Epinephrin protocol Administration of Nebulize Salbutamol protocol Administration of Glucagon protocol Wound packing... Read more »
