Getting severely injured in BC’s wilderness and remote environments can be life-threatening. It’s important to respond effectively to reduce the impact of injuries and save lives in critical moments. Up-Beat First Aid can support you in these moments with our specialized wilderness first aid courses from the Canadian Red Cross. Our course is taught by experienced instructors. Attend an upcoming course at one of our facilities or call us to inquire about booking a group training. We offer on-site training in northern BC and Alberta. Prepare for the wilderness by booking your course today.
Remote First Aid
This course is for individuals living or working in remote communities or worksites. Concepts include wilderness planning, wound care and environmental emergencies.
Wilderness First Aid
This multi-day/expedition course helps professionals in parks, ecotourism or major mining and energy industries. Participants will learn strategies for providing extended care for several days.
Wilderness First Responder
Specifically designed for rescuers who specialize in evaluation and transport and for professionals who work in remote emergency services, remote worksites and search and rescue services.
Our Wilderness First Aid Training is For Everyone
Whether you work in the wilderness or a remote setting, enjoy the outdoors on the weekends or live in a rural community, our wilderness first aid training can be for you. Our experienced trainers can help individuals, couples, businesses and professional rescuers learn the essentials of reacting and treating injured people out in the wild or remote settings.
The Benefits of Our Specialized Remote & Wilderness First Aid
Our wilderness first aid courses from the Canadian Red Cross are recognized as one of the best in the industry. With three levels available, trainees can choose the best option that fits their experience and goals. Partaking in these courses will see you practice hands-on training in real-life scenarios specifically designed for wilderness and remote environments while learning essential emergency first aid and CPR training. You’ll enjoy the most effective and life-saving experience possible with our trainers and these courses.
Frequently Asked Question
Yes, part of the training will be in outdoor environments, either in remote workplaces or communities, the wilderness or challenging environments with varying risk levels. Training can include day trips, expeditions, and target rescue (for Wilderness First Responder course only). Currently, the total hours for each course are 20 hours for Remote First Aid, 40 hours for Wilderness First Aid and 80 hours for Wilderness First Responder.
Anyone who lives, works or adventures in wilderness or remote settings can benefit from this course. It’s recommended that people living in remote or non-urban areas undertake the Remote First Aid course, while individuals who work in parks, ecotourism, oil and gas and energy can benefit from the Wilderness First Aid course. The Wilderness First Responder course is specifically for rescuers who work in wild or remote areas and within a team.
Indeed, we do. You can access our wilderness first aid courses in Grande Prairie, Fort St. John’s, Fort Nelson and Prince George, or at our facilities at Dawson Creek and Chetwynd.